Apply For Home Loan - Apply For Home Loan Online - What not to do when applying

Released on = June 25, 2006, 12:29 am

Press Release Author = David Domm -

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = When a person chooses to apply for home loans online they
should avoid applying when the site says get quotes form 4 different lenders. This
is a company that sells their personal information to 4 lenders (at least) and then
all 4 lenders try to run credit and lock a person into a loan.

Press Release Body = The refinance mortgage and purchase mortgage business is a huge
money making opportunity for businesses that sell leads. With the Internet being
such an integral part of business today many business models include getting
consumer information and selling it to the highest bidder.

This business model is popular when relating to the mortgage industry. Many times a
person will apply for a home loan online and assume they are dealing with one
mortgage company or mortgage consultant and then starts to receive many calls from
multiple brokers.

The calls so not stop quickly because many times the consumers information is sold
not 4 times but as many as 10 times. Mortgage companies pay a great deal of money
for leads that they believe are exclusive and only sold once.

The problem is that while the lead broker is making money and the mortgage companies
are paying for the leads and fighting over the borrowers business, the borrower
doesn\'t get the service they deserve because the business is so competitive that the
needs of the borrower end up being secondary while the competition becomes primary.

Amny times the borrower is harassed for months by mortgage companies that continue
to call right up to the day they sign documents trying to steal away business from
the company who is doing the loan by promising a better deal.

The problem lies in the fact that the deal that is being offered is not able to be
verified until the final hour when documents are being signed. Often times the deal
is not any more beneficial than the original deal but now so much time and effort
has passed that the borrower signs out of mental anguish and exhaustion.

Web Site =

Contact Details = When choosing who will help you with your loan, keep this in mind
- we will share the information with you that most mortgage companies and loan
officers either don\'t take the time to share with you or just don\'t have access to.
We have spent thousands of dollars on cutting edge software and systems to show you
the important details About Your Home Loan.

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